Evaluate your Windows / Database environments to reduce costs, optimize compute and storage.

AWS provides everything you need to build and run Windows applications, including Active Directory, .NET, Microsoft SQL Server, Windows Desktop-as-a-Service, and all supported versions of Windows Server.

With the combined expertise of AWS and Redington, we help you achieve the best solutions with superior price-performance for Windows and database workloads. Our FREE Windows & Database Workload Assessment leverages the Optimization and Licensing Assessment (OLA) Framework to analyze actual resource utilization, enabling data-driven migration decisions.

Claim your FREE assessment today!

Optimization and Licensing Assessment

Redington has partnered with AWS to help customers reduce their Windows or SQL Workloads spend, optimize and modernize their environment.

  • OLA (Optimization and Licensing Assessment) helps you to get a clear overview of your current cost
  • Give Visibility of potential windows license cost savings by assessing your current IT environment
  • Gives Visibility of cost of your third-party licenses
  • Provide cost projections of running these workloads on AWS.


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